We exist to help the students of Brantford know that they are called to be People of Purpose and bring Peace to the Noise!

We create a safe & fun space where every student can find belonging and growth.
Peace Youth meets on separate nights:
Every Third Friday from 7:00pm-10:00pm – Youth On Friday – Grades 6-12
These Friday nights cancel the preceding Tuesday & Wednesday programs of that week.
Not sure what to expect your first time?
Upon arrival, students will check-in with a Peace Leader or Peace Student Leader wearing a lanyard and holding an iPad.
30 minutes before service, we open the doors for an intentional time of hanging out. We have fun videos playing, a number of mini games in the lobbies, video games, as well as our own tuck shop where students can purchase snacks and drinks pre-service!
Our heart is that they find people to connect with during this time.
We, then, gather in the sanctuary for a time of Tribe games where they compete all year with the same Tribe members. Games are followed by a message from Pastor Josh (or a leader) containing truth from God’s Word, contextualized for our culture. Every teaching points to the peace of God, found only in believing in His son, Jesus, and by walking in step with His Spirit.
We finish each night off with small groups with their peers of the same grade and at least two leaders who are passionate about investing in their growth and spirituality maturity. Our goal is to provide a safe & authentic space where students can process the message, but also process their own lives & faith together.
Every Youth On Friday has a live worship component where students can pause life & draw close to Jesus. We strive to create an atmosphere that is not rushed, but is intentional in seeking the Spirit of God.
Peace High School has a variety of different nights through the month that have their own twist on a regular night. Each night has a different structure that corresponds to its name:
• Vanilla Night - Regular Structure
• GROUPS Night - Extended Small Group time. Everyone brings a dish/snack to share with their group!
• Worship Night - Acoustic Worship

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